PJ SOFTWARE ORDER FORM Boogie Baby Registration and Order form. (ver 2.XX) Please check one of the following: __ I would like to register my copy of the Boogie Baby Screen Saver..$15.00 Total $_____ Version Number:(Found on upper right corner of Configuration screen): 2._________________ Please complete the order form and enclose your check or money order, payable to Patrick Johnson. Patrick Johnson 8730 N. Holly Brook Ave Tucson, AZ 85742 Please PRINT NAME: ___________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: _______________________________________ E-MAIL: ______________________________________ If you included an E-mail address, the registration information will be returned via E-mail. You may also register via credit card at: http://www.getsoftware.com/cgi/info.gsc?productid=246 Thank you.